2021/1. szám

Regulatory gap in company law, and solutions and principles in judicial cases, de lege ferenda

József BARSI

Indeed, 'who' is the shadow director? Is he or she a natural person or a legal person? What are his/her characteristics, what are the characteristics of their activity? The answer and the definition of the concept have not been found in company law in the past, but it is missing from the company legislation incorporated in the Civil Code now, in 2020. This name could be imported and used from the Anglo-Saxon jurisdiction even before a new liability rule appeared in Hungarian insolvency law and entered into force on 1 July 2006. This made it possible to determine the compensation liability of the shadow director for the benefit of creditors, of the entities in liquidation, in certain circumstances. After reviewing the Hungarian legislation, it is therefore worth taking a look at the laws and case law of the Ireland, United Kingdom and Australia, without the need for completeness, and, in this context the emerging Hungarian precedent system, also in the light of the new legal institution of the 'limited precedent effect'. It is then possible to draw some conclusions as to what the Hungarian legislature could consider in relation to the drafting of new rules for the law to be taken.

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